Aging Actively 55+ Fitness Program


The Aging Actively 55+ Fitness Program consists of 16 classes total, with 4 classes of each activity including Zumba, Group Fitness, Yoga, and Essentrics. All classes take place in the Prairie Sky Collective Athletic Centre located at 606 9th Street in Humboldt. These classes are made possible by the generous contributions of the Saskatchewan Parks and Recreation Association.

Zumba Gold with Stefanie Lipinski will take place Wednesday’s at 5:30pm on February 5, 12, 19, and 26.

Group Fitness classes with Feel Good Fitness will take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11:00am on February 18, 20, 25, and 27.

Yoga with Isla Kiland will take place Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11:00am on March 4, 6, 11, and 13.

Essentrics with Shelley Klatt will take place Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11:00am on March 18, 20, 25, and 27.

**Please note this program is currently only open to first time participants. If you have previously took part in a PSTA community program, such as Forever Fit, we ask that you please DO NOT register for this program at this time. If there are spaces available after the initial registration period, we will open it up to past participants as well. Thank you.**

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